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Vansh Chaudhary

Year: Senior
Major: Food Science and Human Nutrition

Vansh Chaudhary is a junior at the University of Illinois majoring in Food Science and Human nutrition with a concentration in food science. He is looking forward to work in the food industry. He has a great interest in flavor chemistry and dairy products.  Vansh started working at the FSHN-PPP and the IBRL in march of 2021. He believed that IBRL and PPP would be an ideal place to start his development of career within the food industry as he believes that this place has a scope of innovations as well as help learn about the new emerging technologies in the food industry. In the past, Vansh has been involved in leadership position like being on the executive board of a student run organization called the Association of Food Technologist. He has also gained some research experience by working in a research lab for the Spring semester of 2021. He has been considering going to graduate school for the past few months, but also, cannot wait to take his first steps in the industry and make an impact in the food industry as well as the society